The Musketeers season 2

The Musketeers is a historical drama based on famous novel of the same name. The work on tv series get started in 2014 and co-produced by BBC America and BBC worldwide. The story sets the action on the streets of Paris. We get to know the main protagonist D’Artagnan, he is a capable young boy from a countryside who dreams about musketeer career. D’Artagnan moved to Paris where he met Athos, Porthos and Aramis, well-trained group of musketeers assigned to protect the King. Recently they receive a mission from Captain Treville. All main characters fall in a strange events.
Original Title: The Musketeers

Country, Channel: UK, BBC One; US, BBC America

Release Date: January 2, 2015

Genres: Drama, History

Creator: Adrian Hodges

Cast: Luke Pasqualino as D’Artagnan, Tom Burke as Athos, Santiago Cabrera as Aramis, Howard Charles as Porthos, Peter Capaldi as Cardinal Richelieu, Maimie McCoy as Milady de Winter, Hugo Speer as Captain Treville, Tamla Kari as Constance Bonacieux, Alexandra Dowling as Queen Anne, Ryan Gage as Louis XIII

Runtime: 60 min

Language: English

Episode 1: Keep Your Friends Close (538,75 MB)

720p: (1,51 GB)

Episode 2: An Ordinary Man (478,84 MB)

720p: (1,38 GB)

Episode 3: The Good Traitor (479,53 MB)

720p: (1,13 GB)

Episode 4: Emilie (541,24 MB)

720p: (1,38 GB)

Episode 5: The Return (471,28 MB)

720p: (1,33 GB)

Episode 6: Through a Glass Darkly (519,98 MB)

720p: (1,13 GB)

Episode 7: A Marriage of Inconvenience (470,84 MB)

720p: (1,15 GB)

Episode 8: The Prodigal Father (471,39 MB)

720p: (1,06 GB)

Episode 9: The Accused (506,81 MB)

720p: (1,11 GB)

Marco Polo season 1 ,,,, 10 episodes

Marco Polo Netflix poster season 1 2014
TV series based on the epic adventures of Marco Polo in Kublai Khan’s court. The famed explorer’s journey takes him to the center of a brutal war in 13th century China, a world replete with exotic martial arts, political skullduggery, spectacular battles and sexual intrigue.
Original Title: Marco Polo

Country, Channel: USA, Netflix

Release Date: December 12, 2014

Genres: Adventure, Drama, History

Creator: John Fusco

Cast: Lorenzo Richelmy, Benedict Wong, Zhu Zhu, Tom Wu, Remy Hii, Rick Yune

Runtime: 60 min

Language: English

Download Marco Polo season 1 2014:
Episode 1: (422,20 MB)

720p: (1,01 GB)

Episode 2: (449,21 MB)

720p: (1,25 GB)

Episode 3: (420,91 MB)

720p: (1,09 GB)

Episode 4: (475,62 MB)

720p: (946,19 MB)

Episode 5: (535,85 MB)

720p: (1,06 GB)

Episode 6: (515,50 MB)

720p: (1,06 GB)

Episode 7: (498,83 MB)

720p: (1,05 GB)

Episode 8: (447,14 MB)

720p: (951,64 MB)

Episode 9: (415,69 MB)

720p: (874,17 MB)

Episode 10: (448,94 MB)

720p: (1,17 GB)
