Remedy season 2

As so it happened that the whole family of Griffin Conner worked as a doctor or were in close relationship with medicine. He also walked in the footsteps as his relatives did. His father is chief of staff at the local hospital, his sister is a nurse. But Griffin did not like the medicine and he strongly resist this occupation. As a result, Griffin kicked off a disgrace to the school, it was a real blow to the ego of his father. Griffin has to return to Bethune General Hospital and as an intern, but Griffin does not want. Soon, however, Griffin gets a new look on life …
Original Title: Remedy

Country, Channel: Canada, Global

Release Date: March 27, 2015

Genres: Drama

Creator: Greg Spottiswood

Cast: Enrico Colantoni, Dillon Casey, Sara Canning, Sarah Allen, Matt Ward, Genelle Williams, Diego Fuentes, Patrick McKenna, Martha Burns

Runtime: 60 min

Language: English

Episode 1: (355,65 MB)

Episode 2: (355,65 MB)